On MonÂday, vetÂerÂan media execÂuÂtive Edgar BronfÂman Jr. subÂmitÂted a roughÂly $4.3 bilÂlion bid to take over ParaÂmount GlobÂal through the acquiÂsiÂtion of NationÂal AmuseÂments, the famÂiÂly holdÂing comÂpaÂny that owns a conÂtrolÂling stake in the media comÂpaÂny, a perÂson familÂiar with the matÂter told Reuters.
Rival Bid Threatens Planned Acquisition
The comÂpetÂing offer for the home of ParaÂmount PicÂtures, the CBS broadÂcast netÂwork and MTV is a fresh twist in a sale process marked by a numÂber of unexÂpectÂed turns. It threatÂens to undo a planned acquiÂsiÂtion by tech scion David ElliÂson and his firm, SkyÂdance Media.
Bronfmanâs Offer and Rationale
BronfÂmanâs offer includes $2.4 bilÂlion in debt and equiÂty for NationÂal AmuseÂments, and an addiÂtionÂal $1.5 bilÂlion to be conÂtributed to ParaÂmounÂtâs balÂance sheet, which could be used to pay down debt. The bid also adds $400 milÂlion to covÂer a breakup fee to end a rival deal.
BronfÂman has argued that his offer is supeÂriÂor because it would not entail ParaÂmount acquirÂing SkyÂdance, anothÂer indeÂpenÂdent media comÂpaÂny, a source familÂiar with his ratioÂnale told Reuters.
Paramountâs Board Evaluation
A speÂcial comÂmitÂtee of ParaÂmounÂtâs board is expectÂed to meet WednesÂday to deterÂmine whether BronfÂmanâs offer has a reaÂsonÂable probÂaÂbilÂiÂty of succeeding.
The board comÂmitÂtee could extend the âgo-shopâ deadÂline to SepÂtemÂber 5 to give it more time to evalÂuÂate the comÂpetÂing offer.
Bronfmanâs Media Experience
BronfÂman is no stranger to the media world. In 1995, he sought to diverÂsiÂfy the famÂiÂlyâs SeaÂgram liquor busiÂness with the acquiÂsiÂtion of MCA, home of the UniÂverÂsal Music Group, UniÂverÂsal StuÂdios and two theme parks. He latÂer led an unsucÂcessÂful attempt to acquire Time Inc. in 2017.
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