Disgraced Fashion Mogul Sentenced to 11 Years for Sexual Assaults

Disgraced Fashion Mogul Sentenced to 11 Years for Sexual Assaults
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Fashion Tycoon Jailed for Assaulting Women

Dis­graced fash­ion tycoon Peter Nygard, 83, has been jailed for 11 years after being found guilty of sex­u­al­ly assault­ing four women. 

The Cana­di­an design­er was sen­tenced on Mon­day in a Toron­to court­room by Jus­tice Robert Gold­stein, who called him a “sex­u­al preda­tor” and said he showed no empa­thy for his victims.

Victims Assaulted in Nygard’s Offices

The charges against Nygard stemmed from alle­ga­tions dat­ing back to the 1980s until the mid-2000s. Dur­ing his tri­al, five women tes­ti­fied that they were invit­ed to Nygard’s Toron­to busi­ness head­quar­ters under var­i­ous pre­texts, only to be sex­u­al­ly assault­ed in a top-floor bed­room suite.

Judge Criticizes Nygard’s Lack of Remorse

Jus­tice Gold­stein said one of the aggra­vat­ing fac­tors in the case was that one of the vic­tims was just 16 years old at the time of the assault. 

The judge dis­missed Nygard’s lawyer’s argu­ment for a short­er sen­tence, stat­ing that Nygard had been receiv­ing spe­cial treat­ment in cus­tody and that his advanced age was not a suf­fi­cient rea­son to lim­it the sentence.

Nygard Faces Additional Charges

Nygard, who once host­ed Prince Andrew in the Bahamas, faces sep­a­rate sex­u­al assault and sex traf­fick­ing charges in Mon­tre­al, Win­nipeg, and the US. He has denied all alle­ga­tions against him.

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