Popular Soda Drinks Recalled Over Cancer-Causing Food Dyes

Popular Soda Drinks Recalled Over Cancer-Causing Food Dyes
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The FDA announced a vol­un­tary recall of sev­er­al Charles Bog­gi­ni Com­pa­ny soda prod­ucts found to con­tain dan­ger­ous food dyes. 

The Pink Lemon­ade, Yel­low Lemon­ade, and Yel­low Lemon­ade X drinks were recalled for not dis­clos­ing the pres­ence of Red 40 and Yel­low 5 dyes, both of which con­tain the car­cino­gen benzidine.

The Cola Fla­vor­ing Base was also recalled for hav­ing undis­closed sul­fites, which can cause aller­gic reac­tions and diges­tive issues in sen­si­tive indi­vid­u­als. Over 2,700 gal­lons of prod­ucts were affect­ed across 9 states.

While the amounts of harm­ful sub­stances are with­in legal lim­its, com­pa­nies are still required to label prod­ucts that con­tain them. Red 40 and Yel­low 5 are found in many pop­u­lar snack foods and bev­er­ages but have been linked to can­cer, hyper­ac­tiv­i­ty, and asth­ma in studies.

This recall serves as an impor­tant reminder for con­sumers to check labels for poten­tial­ly harm­ful addi­tives. Even in small amounts, con­cern­ing chem­i­cals do not belong in foods with­out full transparency.

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