Small busiÂness conÂfiÂdence in the US econÂoÂmy increased slightÂly in May accordÂing to a surÂvey, but ownÂers remain worÂried about how politÂiÂcal issues like the upcomÂing midterm elecÂtions could impact their businesses.
The NationÂal FedÂerÂaÂtion of IndeÂpenÂdent BusiÂness (NFIB)âs OptiÂmism Index rose 0.9 points to 93.1 last month, exceedÂing anaÂlystsâ expecÂtaÂtions. This indiÂcates that more ownÂers viewed curÂrent ecoÂnomÂic conÂdiÂtions as good and expectÂed highÂer sales in the near future.
HowÂevÂer, inflaÂtion presÂsures conÂtinÂue weighÂing heavÂiÂly on small comÂpaÂnies as the prices they pay for mateÂriÂals rose at the fastest rate in over 40 years. OwnÂers are havÂing to raise their own prices to mainÂtain marÂgins, which could dampÂen conÂsumer demand.
LookÂing ahead, uncerÂtainÂties relatÂed to the NovemÂber midterm elecÂtions adding to conÂcerns. OwnÂers reportÂed more pesÂsimism about future busiÂness conÂdiÂtions and ecoÂnomÂic polÂiÂcy issues like taxÂes and regÂuÂlaÂtions. They expect lawÂmakÂers to priÂorÂiÂtize politÂiÂcal agenÂdas over pro-busiÂness reforms in the run-up to voting.
The data shows small firms remain resilient but risks to the outÂlook are mountÂing. With demand for goods and serÂvices strong so far, optiÂmism could keep risÂing in the near-term. But ongoÂing inflaÂtion and growÂing elecÂtion uncerÂtainÂty cloud the prospects for small busiÂness conÂfiÂdence and investÂment over the rest of the year.
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