Waffle House Leadership and Contributions
Walt Ehmer joined WafÂfle House in 1992 and quickÂly rose through the ranks, becomÂing presÂiÂdent of the comÂpaÂny in 2002 and latÂer adding the titles of CEO and chairman.
Ehmer was a respectÂed leader withÂin the WafÂfle House famÂiÂly and beyond, known for his dedÂiÂcaÂtion, warmth, and remarkÂable legacy.
Ehmerâs Legacy and Involvement
Ehmer was deeply involved in the Atlanta comÂmuÂniÂty, servÂing as a memÂber of the board of trustees for the Atlanta Police FounÂdaÂtion. He was also chair of the GeorÂgia Tech AlumÂni AssoÂciÂaÂtion Board of Trustees from 2012 to 2013 and served on the GeorÂgia Tech FounÂdaÂtion Board and the GeorÂgia Tech AdviÂsoÂry Board.
Waffle House Chain and Ehmerâs Passing
The WafÂfle House chain of around-the-clock dinÂers was foundÂed in 1955 and now boasts more than 1,900 locaÂtions in 25 states. Ehmerâs passÂing was announced by the board of direcÂtors for WafÂfle House, who statÂed that he will be greatÂly missed by his entire WafÂfle House family.
Ehmerâs Survivors
AccordÂing to The Atlanta JourÂnal-ConÂstiÂtuÂtion, Ehmer is surÂvived by three children.
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