14-Year-Old Actress Goes Full-On Vampire in Shocking New Horror Flick

14-Year-Old Actress Goes Full-On Vampire in Shocking New Horror Flick
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Alisha Weir, the star of Net­flix’s Matil­da musi­cal, just flipped the script and is slay­ing audi­ences (lit­er­al­ly) in her new R‑rated hor­ror movie, Abigail.

Her fam­i­ly and friends were mind­blown by her trans­for­ma­tion into a blood­thirsty bal­le­ri­na vam­pire. ‍♀️ They even texted her stuff like, “Whoa, not sure if I can watch you the same after the trailer!”

This ain’t your typ­i­cal teen flick. Weir ditch­es the singing and danc­ing for bit­ing, behead­ing, and epic blood can­non bat­tles. So. Much. Fun. (Accord­ing to Weir, at least!)

Film­ing the blood­bath scenes was intense, though. Weir and her co-star Melis­sa Bar­rera had one shot to nail a scene with a giant blood can­non. Talk about pres­sure! But hey, at least the fake blood is eas­i­er to clean up than you’d think… right? 

Appar­ent­ly, it takes bot­tles and bot­tles of shav­ing cream! Weir says by the end of film­ing, they were basi­cal­ly unrec­og­niz­able, cov­ered head-to-toe in blood.

Being a vam­pire comes with some ~inter­est­ing~ acces­sories, too. Weir rocked a set of fangs that she described as “retain­ers.” They even had spe­cial “stunt teeth” that were basi­cal­ly giant gum shields!

As a hor­ror movie new­bie (besides Vam­pire Diaries, of course!), Weir was curi­ous if film­ing scary scenes was actu­al­ly scary for the actors. 

Turns out, it’s a total blast! “It was so much fun every sin­gle day,” she says. Weir even jokes that the cast and crew were prob­a­bly more scared of her than she was of them in full vam­pire mode.

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