5 individuals, including assistant and 2 doctors arrested in connection with Matthew Perry death

5 individuals, including assistant and two doctors arrested in connection with Matthew Perry death
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Arrests Made in Perry’s Ketamine Death

Five peo­ple, includ­ing Matthew Per­ry’s per­son­al assis­tant and a woman known as the “Ket­a­mine Queen of Los Ange­les,” have been arrest­ed in con­nec­tion to the “Friends” star’s over­dose death last fall, author­i­ties announced.

Suspects Facing Serious Charges

Ken­neth Iwa­masa, Per­ry’s assis­tant, along with Dr. Mark Chavez, and Dr. Sal­vador Plasen­cia are all fac­ing a slew of fed­er­al charges, includ­ing con­spir­a­cy to dis­trib­ute ketamine.

Author­i­ties also charged Per­ry’s friend Erik Flem­ing and Jasveen Sang­ha, an alleged drug deal­er, in con­nec­tion with the actor’s death.

Prosecutors Allege Abuse of Perry’s Addiction

“These defen­dants took advan­tage of Mr. Per­ry’s addic­tion issues to enrich them­selves. They knew what they were doing was wrong,” US Attor­ney Mar­tin Estra­da said at a press conference.

Disturbing Details Emerge

Per­ry’s cause of death was attrib­uted to the acute effects of the anes­thet­ic ket­a­mine, which was near­ly three times the nor­mal amount in his system. 

Author­i­ties believe the drug was ille­gal­ly obtained, despite Per­ry’s ongo­ing ket­a­mine ther­a­py for depression.

Ongoing Investigation

The inves­ti­ga­tion is ongo­ing, and author­i­ties have exe­cut­ed search war­rants and seized elec­tron­ic equip­ment as part of their efforts to uncov­er the full extent of the alleged crim­i­nal activ­i­ty sur­round­ing Per­ry’s trag­ic passing.

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  1. Matthew Perry's cause of death: Assistant Charged in Fatal Overdose - scandalsmag

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