Al Pacino’s girlfriend files for custody after three-month relationship ends

Al Pachino walking with grlfriend Norah Alfallah
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Al Pachi­no’s girl­friend, Noor Alfal­lah 29, has filed for full phys­i­cal cus­tody of her three-month-old son Roman after split­ting from the 83-year-old actor.

Alfal­lah sub­mit­ted legal doc­u­ments in Los Ange­les request­ing sole cus­tody and “rea­son­able vis­i­ta­tion” for Paci­no, accord­ing to The Blast. She stat­ed in the fil­ings that she con­ceived the child in Cal­i­for­nia after hav­ing sex­u­al inter­course with Pacino.

The for­mer cou­ple had been togeth­er for only three months before wel­com­ing their son Roman Paci­no in June. Paci­no already has three oth­er chil­dren from pre­vi­ous relationships.

Alfal­lah is allow­ing Paci­no joint legal cus­tody, which would give him a say in mat­ters like edu­ca­tion, med­ical care, and reli­gion. How­ev­er, she is ask­ing the court to order child sup­port pay­ments and cov­er her legal fees.

The OBGYN list­ed on the birth cer­tifi­cate was celebri­ty doc­tor Thais Ali­aba­di, who has also deliv­ered chil­dren for the Kar­dashi­an family.

Alfal­lah grew close to Paci­no after befriend­ing his daugh­ter Olivia. She has pre­vi­ous­ly dat­ed famous old­er men like Mick Jag­ger and Clint Eastwood.

Though their short rela­tion­ship has end­ed, both Alfal­lah and Paci­no have acknowl­edged Paci­no’s pater­ni­ty of their son in legal doc­u­ments. A judge will deter­mine cus­tody and finan­cial arrange­ments at an upcom­ing hearing.

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