“Alec and Hilaria Baldwin Face Backlash Over Daughter’s Birthday Makeup Selfie”

Alec Baldwin and Hilaria Baldwin have been criticized by fans for allowing their 11-year-old daughter Carmen to wear makeup in a birthday selfie. Critics argue the amount of makeup on the pre-teen is inappropriate and that the parents are "sexualizing" their child.
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Makeup Controversy

Alec Bald­win and his wife Hilar­ia Bald­win were crit­i­cized for let­ting their 11-year-old daugh­ter Car­men wear make­up in a birth­day selfie. 

Fans flood­ed the com­ments sec­tion, express­ing con­cern over the “inap­pro­pri­ate” amount of make­up on the pre-teen.

Parenting Criticism

Crit­ics called out the cou­ple for “sex­u­al­iz­ing” their daugh­ter and not let­ting her “be a lit­tle girl a bit longer.” Some argued that the 11-year-old looked much old­er than her age due to the heavy make­up application.

Previous Backlash

This is not the first time the Bald­wins have faced back­lash for allow­ing their daugh­ter to wear make­up. Ear­li­er this year, Hilar­ia was crit­i­cized for post­ing a pho­to of Car­men in full-face makeup.

Fans Defend the Baldwins

Despite the over­whelm­ing crit­i­cism, some fans came to the Bald­wins’ defense, argu­ing that it’s their par­ent­ing choice and that they should­n’t be policed by strangers on the internet.

The Baldwin Family

The Bald­wins are cur­rent­ly embark­ing on a new real­i­ty series cen­tered around their fam­i­ly of sev­en chil­dren. Alec also shares his daugh­ter Ire­land with ex-wife Kim Basinger.

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