Amber Heard Says Goodbye to Hollywood, Moving to Spain

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Amber Heard, who starred in Aqua­man (2016) and its upcom­ing sequel, Aqua­man and the Lost King­dom (2023), has decid­ed to leave Hol­ly­wood behind and start a new life in Spain with her baby girl Oonagh.

Heard, who also appeared in movies like Pineap­ple Express (2008), Zom­bieland (2009), and Mag­ic Mike XXL (2015), became famous for her tur­bu­lent rela­tion­ship with John­ny Depp, which end­ed in a bit­ter divorce in 2017.

Heard accused Depp of domes­tic vio­lence— and obtained a restrain­ing order against him in 2016. Depp denied the alle­ga­tions and sued Heard for defama­tion over her op-ed in The Wash­ing­ton Post where she claimed to be a sur­vivor of abuse. The legal bat­tle last­ed for years and attract­ed world­wide atten­tion, with Depp even­tu­al­ly win­ning the case.

Heard faced a lot of back­lash from Depp’s fans, who launched online cam­paigns to boy­cott her movies and remove her from the role of Mera in Aqua­man. How­ev­er, Heard remained defi­ant and con­tin­ued to work on her projects.

But now it seems that Heard has had enough of the Hol­ly­wood spot­light and has cho­sen to live a qui­eter life in Spain. Accord­ing to the Dai­ly Mail, Heard is flu­ent in Span­ish and wants to raise her daugh­ter away from the media frenzy.

A friend of Heard told the Dai­ly Mail: “She’s left Hol­ly­wood and qui­et­ly moved to Spain with her baby daugh­ter Oon­agh. She’s bilin­gual in Span­ish and wants to bring up her daugh­ter in a place away from all the noise and she’s hap­py there.”

This means that Heard’s act­ing career is on hold for now. The only movies she has on her resume are Aqua­man and the Lost King­dom and the con­tro­ver­sial In the Fire.

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