Angelina Jolie and Rapper Akala Confirm Romance with Instagram Debut

Angelina Jolie and Rapper Akala Confirm Romance with Instagram Debut
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Jolie and Akala Go Public

Angeli­na Jolie, the acclaimed 49-year-old actress, has final­ly gone Insta­gram offi­cial with her rumored boyfriend, British rap­per and polit­i­cal activist Akala.

The pair were spot­ted togeth­er at var­i­ous events over the past year, includ­ing Jolie’s recent film fes­ti­val pre­miere and a par­ty for her com­pa­ny Ate­lier Jolie.

Longtime Friendship Turning Romantic

While sources have claimed Jolie and the 40-year-old Akala have been pri­vate­ly see­ing each oth­er for over a year, the pair have a long his­to­ry of col­lab­o­rat­ing on social and human­i­tar­i­an caus­es. Their shared pas­sion for glob­al issues is said to have fos­tered a strong bond between them.

Jolie’s Bitter Split from Brad Pitt

Jolie’s new rela­tion­ship comes amid her con­tin­ued bit­ter divorce pro­ceed­ings with her ex-hus­band Brad Pitt. The high-pro­file split has tak­en an emo­tion­al toll on the actress, who has hint­ed at the “despair” and “pain” she has experienced.

Jolie’s Other Rumored Romance

In addi­tion to Akala, Jolie has also been linked to Broad­way com­pos­er Justin Levine, with whom she has been spend­ing time in recent months. How­ev­er, sources insist Jolie is cur­rent­ly sin­gle and not dat­ing seriously.

The pub­lic debut of Angeli­na Jolie and Akala’s rela­tion­ship marks a new chap­ter for the Oscar-win­ning actress. After years of per­son­al tur­moil fol­low­ing her split from Brad Pitt, Jolie appears to have found com­pan­ion­ship and a shared pas­sion for social jus­tice with the British rapper.

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