Angelina Jolie emerges from hotel with rapper Akala and sparks rumours of dating

Angelina Jolie emerges from hotel with rapper Akala and sparks rumours of dating
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Angelina Jolie’s Healing Journey

Angeli­na Jolie has grown close to British rap­per and polit­i­cal activist Akala in the wake of her bit­ter split from Brad Pitt.

The actress, 49, sparked romance rumors with Akala, 40, when the pair were seen emerg­ing from her hotel in Italy dur­ing the Venice Inter­na­tion­al Film Festival.

How­ev­er, sources have con­firmed that the cou­ple are not an item, with Jolie remain­ing “cur­rent­ly sin­gle and not dat­ing seriously.”

A Shared Passion for Social Causes

Despite the debunked romance rumors, Jolie and Akala do share a strong bond, with a source stat­ing, “They share the same pas­sion when it comes to social and human­i­tar­i­an causes. 

They did sev­er­al col­labs over the years that focus on glob­al issues like human rights. Ang­ie speaks very high­ly of him.”

Akala — born Kingslee James McLean Daley — start­ed out as a rap­per before mov­ing into polit­i­cal activism, endors­ing for­mer Labour MP Jere­my Cor­byn in the 2017 UK gen­er­al elec­tion. His old­er sis­ter is also the famous singer and rap­per Ms. Dynamite.

Navigating the Aftermath of Divorce

Jolie has hint­ed at the heavy emo­tion­al toll which her divorce from Pitt has tak­en on her, say­ing she has been through “despair” and “pain.”

The beau­ty split from her film star hus­band after a dis­put­ed inci­dent on a plane in 2016, and the pair’s divorce has now dragged on for eight years.

The cur­rent sit­u­a­tion has seen the cou­ple’s six chil­dren form a tight group, with Jolie’s daugh­ter Shiloh recent­ly legal­ly drop­ping her father’s surname.

Pitt has also been report­ed to feel “com­plete­ly help­less” as his son Pax con­tin­ues to refuse con­tact with him dur­ing his recov­ery from a ter­ri­fy­ing bike crash.

In the midst of this tur­moil, Jolie has found solace in her friend­ship with Akala, as she nav­i­gates the after­math of her high-pro­file divorce.

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