Blanca Blanco Poses in Green Bikini, Shares Secrets to Her Fitness Routine

Actress Blanca Blanco Poses in Green Bikini
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Blan­ca Blan­co, the actress known for her roles in movies like Eye For Eye and the upcom­ing Find­ing Nicole, has been mak­ing waves with her lat­est fit­ness revelation.

PMPIOIHGFYRTQAZSX Blanca Blanco Poses in Green Bikini, Shares Secrets to Her Fitness Routine

The 72-year-old star recent­ly posed in an emer­ald green biki­ni while enjoy­ing some time in the Caribbean, and she’s been eager to share her new­found bio­hack­ing secret that only takes 20 min­utes a day.

Blanca Blanco displaying her backside

Blanca’s 20-Minute Biohack Workout

“I have been doing a new work­out trick that was sug­gest­ed by my train­er,” Blan­ca told “I used to go for 20-minute walks in the morn­ing, but I felt it did­n’t do a lot to drop weight.

Blanca Blanco touchinbg her hair

Then I was told that if I walk but then do bursts of run­ning for like 10 sec­onds here and there, it would rev up my metabolism.”

Blan­ca explains that this “bio­hack” involves alter­nat­ing between walk­ing and short sprints, which forces her body to work hard­er with­out a sig­nif­i­cant increase in effort.

“It is a bio­hack because you run then stop, run then stop over and over again, and it makes your body work hard­er. But it is not a ton of effort and also still takes the same 20 minutes.”

Blanca’s Carb-Cycling Dietary Approach

In addi­tion to her unique work­out rou­tine, Blan­ca has also adopt­ed a strate­gic approach to her diet. “Anoth­er trick I have is I have carbs only once a week,” she revealed. 

“That shocks the body. My body is not used to hav­ing a ton of carbs, but it is hard to com­plete­ly cut them out. So if I have carbs once a week, my body does­n’t get used to them and can process them faster. If you have carbs every day, your body does­n’t process them as well.”

Blan­ca’s focus on mus­cle-build­ing and strate­gic carb intake has been pay­ing off, as she recent­ly lost 10 pounds by giv­ing up meat and opt­ing for a diet rich in fish and chicken. 

“I think it has been real­ly good for my waist­line because my dress­es are all loose now!” she exclaimed. “And I don’t miss the steaks, which can be too heavy sometimes.”

With her effec­tive bio­hack work­out and carb-cycling diet, Blan­ca Blan­co has found a win­ning for­mu­la for main­tain­ing her fit and toned physique. By shar­ing her secrets, she hopes to inspire oth­ers to explore new ways to improve their over­all health and wellness.

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