Brad Pitt’s Daughter Shiloh Jolie Legally Drops Surname Amid Bitter Divorce Feud

Brad Pitt's Daughter Shiloh Jolie Legally Drops Surname Amid Bitter Divorce Feud
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Shiloh Jolie Drops Pitt Surname

Brad Pit­t’s daugh­ter Shiloh Jolie has legal­ly dropped her father’s sur­name. Shiloh, who turned 18 in May, filed to change her name from Shiloh Nou­v­el Jolie-Pitt to Shiloh Nou­v­el Jolie.

The name change peti­tion was approved on Mon­day, accord­ing to offi­cial court documents.

Shiloh Jolie Drops Pitt Name

A source close to the mat­ter revealed that Shiloh Jolie hired and paid for her own lawyer to file the name change, sug­gest­ing the move may be con­nect­ed to the “abuse his­to­ry” and “vio­la­tion of Shilo­h’s vic­tims’ rights” in the ongo­ing feud between Pitt and Jolie. The bit­ter divorce bat­tle between the for­mer cou­ple has been ongo­ing for years.

Bitter Divorce Battle

Pitt and Jolie’s divorce has dragged on for eight years, with nei­ther side will­ing to let go of the bit­ter­ness. The divorce is said to be part­ly fueled by a noto­ri­ous 2016 inci­dent on a pri­vate jet, in which Jolie accused Pitt of phys­i­cal­ly assault­ing her and the children.

The chil­dren — Mad­dox, Pax, Zahara, Shiloh, Knox, and Vivi­enne — have formed a tight-knit group with their moth­er, with some of the old­er chil­dren report­ed­ly refus­ing to see their father. 

Pitt has attempt­ed to mend the rift, set­ting up a skate park and art stu­dio for Shiloh, but the efforts have not brought the fam­i­ly clos­er together.

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