Cannes Security Guard Sparks Outrage for Blocking K‑Pop Star YoonA’s Red Carpet Photos

Cannes Security Guard Sparks Outrage for Blocking K-Pop Star YoonA's Red Carpet Photos
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The Cannes Film Fes­ti­val is embroiled in con­tro­ver­sy yet again, with a secu­ri­ty guard accused of dis­re­spect­ing K‑pop star and actress YoonA by hin­der­ing her red car­pet pho­to opportunity.

This fol­lows a sim­i­lar inci­dent involv­ing singer Kel­ly Row­land, who hint­ed at pos­si­ble racial bias from the guard. The guard’s col­leagues, how­ev­er, defend­ed her actions as sim­ply enforc­ing protocol.

YoonA Rushed Off Stairs, Ukrain­ian Mod­el Ejected

Footage shows the guard imped­ing 33-year-old YoonA from pos­ing on the famed Cannes red stairs. While YoonA remained com­posed, her dis­com­fort was evi­dent. The same guard report­ed­ly eject­ed a Ukrain­ian mod­el who attempt­ed to return to the stairs after being ush­ered away.

Fan Back­lash and Racism Concerns

Fans on social media slammed the guard’s behav­ior as dis­re­spect­ful. This inci­dent reignites con­cerns about poten­tial racial bias after the Kel­ly Row­land controversy.

Cannes Film Fes­ti­val Silent on Controversy

The guard’s actions raise ques­tions about how Cannes staff treat high-pro­file guests. Fes­ti­val orga­niz­ers have yet to address the situation.

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