CINEMA: Keanu Reeves prefers to be Neo and not John Wick in real life.

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When it comes to who he’d rather be, that ques­tion was answered in Face­book Watch’s 100th episode of Red Table Talk. Reeves joined Car­rie-Anne Moss and Priyan­ka Chopra Jonas with Jada, Wil­low and Jaden Smith for a spe­cial Matrix reunion. In the episode, a fan asked Reeves if he’d rather be Neo or John Wick in real life, and here’s what the actor had to say.

“A lot of ways to go. Because we’re talk­ing about res­ur­rec­tions and matrix res­ur­rec­tions here, I think — and I don’t think that would both­er John Wick. I think he would under­stand. But I think I could be with Trin­i­ty and have this. live with them togeth­er and see what would hap­pen — I think John Wick would be like ‘I’m sup­port­ing you.’ â€

Obvi­ous­ly, Keanu Reeves is sid­ing with Neo in this sit­u­a­tion, in part because of the life he would have with Trin­i­ty. It cer­tain­ly sounds a lot less depress­ing than liv­ing the life of lone­ly John Wick, who can’t even have an adorable pup­py for com­pa­ny with­out some­thing ter­ri­ble hap­pen­ing to him. Killing vil­lains by the dozen in the name of revenge is also fun for audi­ences to watch, but how fun would that life real­ly be to live in real­i­ty? There are cer­tain­ly many more pos­si­bil­i­ties of liv­ing in a Matrix world, although the feel­ing of dan­ger is always present. Bet­ter yet, John Wick would under­stand perfectly.

Last year, Reeves answered a sim­i­lar ques­tion on The Late Show when Stephen Col­bert asked him which of the two char­ac­ters would win in a fight. Reeves insist­ed that “they would­n’t fight,” as they would more like­ly be nat­ur­al allies. Neo could even “bring back the dog” thanks to the Matrix while John Wick could help Neo in his bat­tle against the machines. Sounds like the start of a Keanuverse â€Š

We’ll first see Reeves as Neo in The Matrix Res­ur­rec­tions on Decem­ber 22, but the char­ac­ter comes with that unique John Wick look this time around. Direct­ed by Lana Wachows­ki, the sequel also brings back Car­rie-Anne Moss, Lam­bert Wil­son and Jada Pin­kett Smith. New cast mem­bers are Priyan­ka Chopra Jonas, Yahya Abdul-Mateen II and Jes­si­ca Hen­wick. The film was orig­i­nal­ly sched­uled to pre­miere on the same day as John Wick: Chap­ter 4 until both fea­ture films were delayed due to the pandemic.

As for John Wick: Chap­ter 4, that film is now slat­ed to hit the­aters on May 27, 2022. It brings back Lau­rence Fish­burne, Lance Red­dick, and Ian McShane along with fran­chise new­com­ers includ­ing Rina Sawaya­ma, Don­nie Yen, and Shami­er Ander­son. There are also pre­lim­i­nary plans for a John Wick 5.

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