CINEMA: The Academy Apologizes to comédian Chris Rock and unveils Will Smith Refused to Leave Oscars.

The Acad­e­my has offered a new state­ment pub­li­ciz­ing that Will Smith faces sus­pense or expa­tri­a­tion for slight­ing Chris Rock.

The Acad­e­my is mov­ing for­ward with their for­mal review of what happed between Will Smith and Chris Rock at the Oscars on Sun­day evening. As was seen live by mil­lions of observers world­wide, Rock had joked about Jada Pin­kett Smith by sug­gest­ing that he could not stay to see her inG.I. Jane 2. This led to Smith approach­ing Rock and smack­ing him across the face, fol­lowed by scream­ing obscen­i­ties at the fun­ny­man over the joke.

Pre­lim­i­nar­i­ly, the Acad­e­my said in a brief state­ment that they” condemn“Smith’s con­duct from that night along with word of their dis­qui­si­tion morn­ing. An stream­lined state­ment released on Wednes­day goes more into detail by pub­li­ciz­ing that Smith faces a pos­si­ble sus­pense or expa­tri­a­tion. This is due to the King Richard actor’s” inap­pro­pri­ate phys­i­cal contact“and his” threat­en­ing behavior.“In accor­dance with the Acad­e­my’s Stan­dards of Con­duct and Cal­i­for­nia law, Smith has also for­mal­ly been giv­en 15 days’ notice of a vote regard­ing his vio­la­tions, along with the oppor­tu­ni­ty to be heard beforehand. 

Also includ­ed is a direct rea­son to Chris Rock over the slight­ing inci­dent. The Acad­e­my notes that they could not have antic­i­pat­ed what happed that night but admits they could have” han­dled the sit­u­a­tion else.“In response to crit­i­cism over the Acad­e­my allow­ing Smith to remain at the cer­e­mo­ny for the rest of the evening, the Acad­e­my also claims that Smith was, in fact, asked to leave and sim­ply” refused“to do so.

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