CINEMA: The Rock says he’s turning one of the “greatest” video games into a movie, but won’t say which one.

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spec­u­la­tion has begun as Dwayne “The Rock” John­son will soon reveal a big movie project he’s work­ing on based on a pop­u­lar video game. As a dom­i­nant force in Hol­ly­wood on both sides of the cam­era, John­son has count­less upcom­ing projects in the works, and he recent­ly opened up on one that he’s thrilled to help bring to fruition. The actor teased direct­ing a major video game-based movie in a new inter­view with plans to make an offi­cial announce­ment some­time in 2022.

The prob­lem is, The Rock does­n’t say what game he plans to give the movie. He only says it’s one of the “biggest, badass games” ever made, point­ing out that he’s per­son­al­ly a huge fan as it’s the one he’s been play­ing for many years. There were no oth­er clues leaked, so that’s all we have to work with for now. The good news is that, what­ev­er the case, The Rock and Co plans to please the gam­ing com­mu­ni­ty while mak­ing a sol­id movie in the process. Per Men’s Jour­nal, here’s what John­son had to say about the mys­tery project.

“I’ve always been a big fan of Mad­den. I can’t tell you what game in par­tic­u­lar we’re mak­ing, but there will be an announce­ment this year. We’re going to have one of the biggest, tough­est games to ever play. bake.screen — a screen that I’ve been play­ing for years. I’m real­ly excit­ed to present it to fans around the world. Of course, we’re going to do the right thing for our fel­low gamers, but we’re real­ly going to make a great movie.”

Play­ers offered their best guess­es on what The Rock might be talk­ing about. God of War seems to come often with fans on social media to dis­cuss cur­rent events, such as a pop­u­lar game that has had rumors of a movie adap­ta­tion for years.

Many oth­er fans are pre­dict­ing it will be Gears of War, but it’s hard to say, as Dave Bautista has been try­ing to get this movie to shoot for years with no such luck. Anoth­er fan guess is that it could be Fort­nite based on The Rock­’s recent appear­ance in the actu­al video game.

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