Could Alec Baldwin Face Charges Again in Fatal ‘Rust’ Shooting? Experts Weigh In

Could Alec Baldwin Face Charges Again in Fatal 'Rust' Shooting_ Alec Balwin showing gun
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The case of the dead­ly shoot­ing on the set of the low-bud­get West­ern film “Rust” may not be over yet. 

A new foren­sic analy­sis report has reignit­ed spec­u­la­tion that Alec Bald­win could face fur­ther legal con­se­quences in the fatal acci­dent that killed cin­e­matog­ra­ph­er Haly­na Hutchins.

Bal­lis­tics experts in Ari­zona and New Mex­i­co con­duct­ed exten­sive test­ing on the vin­tage Colt .45 revolver used in the shoot­ing. Their shock­ing con­clu­sion? The trig­ger had to have been pulled for the gun to fire, con­tra­dict­ing Bald­win’s repeat­ed claims that he did not pull the trigger.

“Although Alec Bald­win insists he did not pull the trig­ger, our analy­sis and find­ings indi­cate oth­er­wise,” said Lucien Haag of top foren­sic ser­vices firm Foren­sic Sci­ence Ser­vices. “The ham­mer was ful­ly cocked back and the trig­ger had to be pulled or depressed to release it and dis­charge the round.”

Spe­cial pros­e­cu­tor Kari Mor­ris­sey, who is over­see­ing the “Rust” inves­ti­ga­tion, acknowl­edged a deci­sion on poten­tial new charges is pend­ing. This bomb­shell report puts renewed pres­sure on Bald­win and com­pli­cates his self-defense that the gun fired acci­den­tal­ly on its own.

If Bald­win were to face an invol­un­tary manslaugh­ter charge again, it could deal a major blow to his Hol­ly­wood career. The case remains shroud­ed in mys­tery, but experts may have just pro­vid­ed the most com­pelling evi­dence yet that con­tra­dicts Bald­win’s trig­ger defense. Stay tuned for poten­tial major updates in this high-pro­file shoot­ing saga.

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  1. Shocking Verdict in Alec Baldwin Shooting: Armorer Found Guilty! - scandalsmag
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  3. Alec Baldwin's Rust Shooting Case Dismissed Amid Evidence Controversy - scandalsmag

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