Dakota Johnson nude under spider-themed dress at Madame Web premiere

Dakota Johnson nude under spider-themed dress at Madame Web premiere
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Dako­ta John­son showed nude body in a reveal­ing ensem­ble along­side her co-star Syd­ney Sweeney as they led stars at the pre­miere of Madame Web in Los Ange­les on Monday.

The Fifty Shades of Grey actress, 34, flashed a hint of her nude body under­neath a bare­ly-there sil­ver gown. John­son rocked a net­ted dress made of sparkling mate­r­i­al with a plung­ing neck­line that showed off ample cleavage.

She added just a nude-col­ored body­suit under­neath to avoid a poten­tial wardrobe mal­func­tion. The actress’ smooth, pale skin was vis­i­ble through the sheer fabric.

John­son opt­ed to go most­ly nude under the risque out­fit, acces­soriz­ing min­i­mal­ly with only a sim­ple neck­lace. Her make­up accen­tu­at­ed her fea­tures, draw­ing atten­tion to her naked complexion.

In the film, John­son takes on the lead­ing role of Cas­san­dra Webb. She said the char­ac­ter’s super­pow­er of her mind “is more relat­able and sexy.”

“I think that the minds of women are incred­i­bly pow­er­ful, so I think that it’s a more relat­able super­hero. It is more of a psy­cho­log­i­cal thriller,” John­son added.

While at the pre­miere, the star flaunt­ed her jaw-drop­ping look upon arriv­ing. Dako­ta John­son’s nude glimpses turned heads on the red carpet.

Co-star Syd­ney Sweeney also stunned in a strap­less black gown with nude and glit­ter­ing details. But it was John­son who stopped to pose solo, putting her near­ly naked body on full display.

John­son and Sweeney paused for pho­tos togeth­er in their nude-inspired ensem­bles ahead of the screen­ing, gar­ner­ing atten­tion for their reveal­ing red car­pet styles. Oth­er atten­dees includ­ing Emma Roberts also dressed to impress

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