Disney Channel Star Arrested in Domestic Dispute
DisÂney ChanÂnel star Skai JackÂson, known for her roles in âJessieâ and âBunkâd,â was arrestÂed on August 9th for misÂdeÂmeanor domesÂtic batÂtery folÂlowÂing an alterÂcaÂtion with her boyfriend at UniÂverÂsal CityÂWalk in HolÂlyÂwood, California.
Surveillance Footage Shows Alleged Incident
AccordÂing to a repÂreÂsenÂtaÂtive for the Los AngeÂles CounÂty SherÂifÂfâs DepartÂment, secuÂriÂty perÂsonÂnel witÂnessed the couÂple fightÂing and called the police.
SurÂveilÂlance footage allegedÂly showed JackÂson pushÂing her boyfriend twice, leadÂing to her arrest. Both JackÂson and her boyfriend denied any physÂiÂcal altercation.
Couple Claims Engagement and Pregnancy
Despite the apparÂent eviÂdence, the couÂple has since claimed that they are hapÂpiÂly engaged and expectÂing a child togethÂer. They say they did not engage in any physÂiÂcal violence.
The case is now being reviewed by the LA CounÂty DisÂtrict AttorÂneyâs Office to deterÂmine if charges will be filed.
Disney Channel Starsâ Brushes with the Law
JackÂsonâs arrest is the latÂest in a string of legal trouÂbles involvÂing forÂmer DisÂney ChanÂnel stars. OthÂer notable inciÂdents include the arrests of âThatâs So Ravenâ actor OrlanÂdo Brown and âHanÂnah MonÂtanaâ actor Mitchel Musso.
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