Divorce Drama: Jennifer Lopez’s Friends Slam Her ‘Antics’ as Ben Affleck Deploys ‘Clever Tactic’

Divorce Drama: Jennifer Lopez's Friends Slam Her 'Antics' as Ben Affleck Deploys 'Clever Tactic'
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Affleck’s ‘Clever Tactic’ Against Lopez

A source close to the star revealed that Affleck let Lopez have the moment of fil­ing for divorce so she would­n’t look like the villain.

The insid­er said, “He’s been done for a long time and deep down she knows this. He let her have this so that she would­n’t look like the villain.”

Lopez’s Divorce History and Net Worth

Lopez, 55, has been mar­ried three times before, with her lat­est mar­riage to Affleck being her fourth. She has a report­ed net worth of $400 mil­lion, while Affleck is worth around $150 million.

With­out a prenup in place, their indi­vid­ual earn­ings from the last two years would be con­sid­ered com­mu­ni­ty property.

Ongoing Money Disputes and Separation

The source revealed that Lopez and Affleck have been embroiled in tense set­tle­ment talks for months, with the cou­ple even stop­ping speak­ing to each oth­er at times. 

They had list­ed their $68 mil­lion Bev­er­ly Hills mar­i­tal home in May, a year after pur­chas­ing it for $60 mil­lion. Affleck has since pur­chased a $20.5 mil­lion bach­e­lor pad in the Pacif­ic Palisades.

Lopez’s Friends Urge Her to Focus on Herself

The insid­er shared that Lopez’s friends believe she should “take a look inside and focus on her­self instead of what oth­ers want her to be and final­ly fig­ure out who she is and what she wants from her future.” After four failed mar­riages, her friends feel she needs to address her own issues.

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