Drama at the Coffee Shop: Alec Baldwin Shuts Down “Free Palestine” Heckler

Drama at the Coffee Shop: Alec Baldwin Shuts Down "Free Palestine" Heckler
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Hold the lat­te, there’s inter­net dra­ma brew­ing! Actor Alec Bald­win just went viral for shut­ting down a pro­test­er in a NYC cof­fee shop. 

The pro­test­er kept film­ing Bald­win and demand­ing he say “Free Pales­tine.” 🇵🇸 Things got heat­ed, and Bald­win swat­ted the phone away.

Was it jus­ti­fied? The clip has every­one buzzing. Some online fans are cheer­ing Bald­win on, say­ing he deserves peace dur­ing his cof­fee break. ☕️ Oth­ers are call­ing it a melt­down. This whole sit­u­a­tion is a reminder of the intense feel­ings sur­round­ing the Israeli-Pales­tin­ian con­flict, even in casu­al settings.

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