Emily Ratajkowski Claps Back at Man Who Told Her to ‘Put a Shirt On’

Emily Ratajkowski Claps Back at Man Who Told Her to 'Put a Shirt On'
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Emily Ratajkowski Addresses Unsolicited Comment

The 33-year-old mod­el and actress Emi­ly Rata­jkows­ki recent­ly took to Tik­Tok to share a video of her response to a man who yelled at her to “put a shirt on” dur­ing a stroll in New York City.

In the eight-sec­ond clip, Rata­jkows­ki can be seen cross­ing the street as the man’s voice is heard telling her to cov­er up. How­ev­er, the actress was in fact wear­ing a grey tank top at the time.

The video then cuts to the lyrics of Char­li XCX’s song “365,” with the lines “Who the f–k are you? I’m a brat when I’m bumpin’ that. Now I wan­na hear my track, are you bumpin’ that?”

Rata­jkows­ki cap­tioned the video, “Wait for it: man tells me to put on a shirt.” She also made a nod to the recent “demure” online trend, writ­ing, “famous­ly not demure, famous­ly not mindful.”

Ratajkowski’s Stance on ‘Decentering Men’

Just last week, Rata­jkows­ki became the lat­est in a grow­ing num­ber of celebri­ties to speak about “decen­ter­ing men” in their lives. In a Vogue inter­view, the mod­el expressed that she no longer finds the idea of a “whirl­wind romance” inter­est­ing, cit­ing the emo­tion­al labor imbal­ance she expe­ri­enced in her pre­vi­ous relationship.

Rata­jkows­ki was pre­vi­ous­ly mar­ried to film pro­duc­er Sebas­t­ian Bear-McClard, with whom she shares a son. The cou­ple divorced in 2022 after reports sur­faced that Bear-McClard had cheat­ed on Rata­jkows­ki “mul­ti­ple times.”

Since her divorce, Rata­jkows­ki has been linked to var­i­ous high-pro­file bach­e­lors, includ­ing Brad Pitt, Har­ry Styles, and Pete Davidson.

How­ev­er, the mod­el has now shift­ed her focus to her­self and her per­son­al growth, join­ing a trend of young peo­ple who are choos­ing to go “boysober” and ditch romance in favor of a man-free life.

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