Eva Longoria Flaunts Enviable Physique in Skimpy Bikini Getaway with Son in Marbella

Eva Longoria Flaunts Enviable Physique in Skimpy Bikini Getaway with Son in Marbella
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Relaxing in the Spanish Sun

Actress Eva Lon­go­ria looked sen­sa­tion­al as she spent the end of her sum­mer relax­ing at her home in Mar­bel­la, Spain.

The 49-year-old Des­per­ate House­wives star was joined by her son San­ti­a­go, six, and oth­er fam­i­ly mem­bers as she soaked up the sun.

Showcasing Her Incredible Physique

Work­ing on her tan, the actress show­cased her incred­i­ble physique in a skimpy white biki­ni with orange flow­ers. Com­plet­ing the look with black sun­glass­es, Eva posed in the sea before shar­ing a sweet snap with her son.

Playful Moments with Family

In anoth­er play­ful moment, Eva’s nephew was spot­ted car­ry­ing her in his arms as she joked, “My nephew try­ing to car­ry me!” 

The fam­i­ly’s move to Mar­bel­la from Los Ange­les was announced ear­li­er this year, with Eva and her hus­band José Bastón decid­ing to raise their son in a more nature-filled environment.

A Permanent Move to Spain

The cou­ple pur­chased a six-bed­room, sev­en-bath­room man­sion in Mar­bel­la in ear­ly 2023, which boasts an indoor pool, sauna, and state-of-the-art home gym. 

After ren­o­vat­ing the prop­er­ty, the fam­i­ly has now made the move to Spain a per­ma­nent one, leav­ing their life in Hol­ly­wood behind.

Eva Lon­go­ri­a’s idyl­lic get­away in the Span­ish sun show­cas­es her envi­able fig­ure and the joy she shares with her family. 

The actress’s deci­sion to relo­cate to Mar­bel­la reflects her desire to pro­vide her son with a more nat­ur­al and peace­ful upbring­ing, away from the hus­tle and bus­tle of Los Angeles.

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