Gaby Hoffmann Reveals Lack of On-Screen Connection with Kevin Costner in “Field of Dreams”

Gaby Hoffmann Reveals Lack of On-Screen Connection with Kevin Costner in "Field of Dreams"
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Actress Gaby Hoff­mann, known for her role as Kevin Cost­ner’s daugh­ter in the beloved 1989 film “Field of Dreams,” recent­ly shared insights into her expe­ri­ence work­ing with the Hol­ly­wood A‑lister.

In a Busi­ness Insid­er inter­view, the 42-year-old “Trans­par­ent” star dis­closed that the warm father-daugh­ter dynam­ic por­trayed on screen was­n’t entire­ly mir­rored in reality.

“There was­n’t a pater­nal vibe from Kevin Cost­ner,” Hoff­mann explained, con­sid­er­ing she was only sev­en at the time of film­ing. She left the com­ment hang­ing, piquing fans’ curios­i­ty about the co-stars’ off-screen dynamic.

Hoff­mann, how­ev­er, expressed immense fond­ness for her oth­er co-star, Ray Liot­ta, who played the icon­ic “Shoe­less Joe” Jack­son. “I absolute­ly adored Ray,” she gushed. “I gen­uine­ly believed he rec­i­p­ro­cat­ed those feel­ings, but of course, he was just incred­i­bly kind.”

Hoff­man­n’s can­did rev­e­la­tion regard­ing Cost­ner has sparked viral inter­est, prompt­ing dis­cus­sions about the less­er-known aspects of the cher­ished base­ball drama. 

“Field of Dreams,” fol­low­ing an Iowa farmer (Cost­ner) who builds a base­ball field on his land with sur­pris­ing super­nat­ur­al results, gar­nered crit­i­cal acclaim and box office suc­cess, receiv­ing three Acad­e­my Award nominations.

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