‘General Hospital’ Star Johnny Wactor’s Co-Worker Anita Joy Slams ‘Coward’ Shooter, Shares Heartbreaking Final Moments

'General Hospital' Star Johnny Wactor's Co-Worker Anita Joy Slams 'Coward' Shooter, Shares Heartbreaking Final Moments
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icon Follow en US 'General Hospital' Star Johnny Wactor's Co-Worker Anita Joy Slams 'Coward' Shooter, Shares Heartbreaking Final Moments
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In a heart­break­ing account, Ani­ta Joy, the co-work­er of “Gen­er­al Hos­pi­tal” star John­ny Wac­tor, has revealed the trag­ic last moments of the beloved actor’s life. 

Wac­tor, 37, was fatal­ly shot while shield­ing Joy from a group of armed rob­bers who were attempt­ing to steal his car’s cat­alyt­ic converter.

Joy, who had been friends with Wac­tor for 8 years, detailed the hor­rif­ic inci­dent that took place in the ear­ly hours of the morn­ing after the pair fin­ished their bar­tend­ing shift. She described how they “cau­tious­ly approached” the men fid­dling with Wac­tor’s car, only for the sit­u­a­tion to esca­late rapidly.

“As I heard the shot ring into the night, [Wac­tor] force­ful­ly tum­bled back into my arms,” Joy recalled. “As I grabbed for him, I shout­ed ‘Hun­ny you ok?!’ And he only respond­ed, ‘Nope! Shot!’ ”

Joy, dev­as­tat­ed, tried in vain to save Wac­tor’s life, push­ing her legs under him and scream­ing for help as she and the bar’s secu­ri­ty guard per­formed CPR. Trag­i­cal­ly, Wac­tor’s injuries were too severe, and he suc­cumbed to his wounds.

In her heart­felt trib­ute, Joy described her friend as “beau­ti­ful, goofy as hell, full of work eth­ic and val­ues,” some­one who “lit up a room” and “treat­ed every­one with love, respect, and compassion.”

She vowed to see the “awful men” respon­si­ble for Wac­tor’s death brought to jus­tice, while also express­ing her belief that he has now become her “best guardian Angel.”

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