George Clooney called White House to criticise Biden’s comments on Amal Clooney’s request to arrest Netanyahu

George Clooney called White House to criticise Biden's comments on Amal Clooney's request to arrest Netanyahu
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Furi­ous George Clooney called the White House to crit­i­cise Pres­i­dent Biden for dis­miss­ing his wife Amal Clooney’s request to issue an arrest war­rant for Israeli Prime Min­is­ter Ben­jamin Netanyahu as “out­ra­geous”.

Amal Clooney, a renowned inter­na­tion­al human rights lawyer, was one of six legal experts advis­ing the chief pros­e­cu­tor of the Inter­na­tion­al Crim­i­nal Court (ICC) on their deci­sion to seek Netanyahu’s arrest for alleged war crimes.

The pros­e­cu­tor accused Netanyahu of using “star­va­tion as a method of war­fare” against civil­ians in Gaza. Amal Clooney stat­ed she would “nev­er accept that any con­flict should be beyond the reach of the law, nor that any per­pe­tra­tor should be above the law”.

How­ev­er, Biden said there was “no moral equiv­a­lence” between Israel and Hamas and hint­ed at sanc­tions against the ICC. This upset George Clooney, who is one of Biden’s biggest polit­i­cal donors and supporters.

Clooney report­ed­ly vent­ed his frus­tra­tion in a phone call to Biden’s senior advi­sor Steve Ric­chet­ti. As a high-pro­file human rights activist and her hus­band’s staunch sup­port, Amal Clooney remains unwa­ver­ing in her view that all alleged war crim­i­nals should face legal scrutiny.

The con­tro­ver­sy has now cast doubt on whether Clooney will par­tic­i­pate in an upcom­ing fundrais­er for Biden’s re-elec­tion cam­paign. Clooney is a star attrac­tion and has helped raise mil­lions for Biden in the past.

This pub­lic dis­agree­ment between Clooney and the White House is a sign of ten­sions around the ICC’s move and how far inter­na­tion­al law can be extend­ed over sen­si­tive geopo­lit­i­cal issues involv­ing the US and its allies like Israel. It remains to be seen if Clooney con­tin­ues sup­port­ing Biden’s pres­i­den­cy going forward.

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