Halle Berry Reveals Fake Armpit Hair in BTS Snaps from “Never Let Go” Film: ‘Momma in the Making’

Halle Berry Reveals Fake Armpit Hair in BTS Snaps from "Never Let Go" Film: 'Momma in the Making'
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Halle Berry’s Bold Transformation

Halle Berry, the renowned actress, took to Insta­gram to share a glimpse into the mak­ing of her upcom­ing film “Nev­er Let Go.” 

The 58-year-old star revealed a series of behind-the-scenes (BTS) snap­shots, show­cas­ing the remark­able cos­met­ic changes she under­went to embody her character.

One of the most strik­ing rev­e­la­tions was Berry’s use of fake armpit hair. In the video, the actress can be seen sit­ting in a make­up chair as her make­up artist, Nor­ma Pat­ton-Lowin, talks about the “things I do to you.” 

Berry also high­light­ed her eye­brows and tem­po­rary tat­toos, fur­ther empha­siz­ing the dra­mat­ic trans­for­ma­tion she under­went for the role.

Becoming “Momma”

In addi­tion to the fake armpit hair, Berry donned var­i­ous wigs and imi­ta­tion tat­toos to ful­ly inhab­it her char­ac­ter, whom she referred to as “Mom­ma” in the cap­tion. The actress even went top­less in one racy self­ie, show­cas­ing her toned abs and using her arm to cov­er her breasts.

Berry’s ded­i­ca­tion to the role is evi­dent, as she pre­vi­ous­ly dis­cussed the chal­lenges of “Method act­ing” for the film.

She shared that her char­ac­ter was required to “eat bugs and frogs — raw frogs — in the woods” and even had to “skin a squir­rel,” all of which pushed the actress to cre­ate a sense of authen­tic­i­ty with­in the “for­eign” world of the film.

Reactions and Anticipation

The behind-the-scenes footage has already gar­nered over 100,000 likes on Insta­gram, with fans eager­ly antic­i­pat­ing the release of “Nev­er Let Go.” 

The film, which also stars Antho­ny B. Jenk­ins and Per­cy Dag­gs IV as twin broth­ers, is direct­ed by Alexan­dre Aja and is set to hit the­aters on Sep­tem­ber 20.

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