Hollywood Actor Nick Pasqual Arrested for Attempted Murder of Ex-Girlfriend

Hollywood Actor Nick Pasqual Arrested for Attempted Murder of Ex-Girlfriend
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Hol­ly­wood actor Nick Pasqual, 34, was arrest­ed at the US-Mex­i­co bor­der on charges of attempt­ed mur­der, domes­tic vio­lence, and bur­glary. Pasqual is accused of bru­tal­ly stab­bing his ex-girl­friend, celebri­ty make­up artist Allie She­horn, over 20 times in her Cal­i­for­nia home on May 23rd.

She­horn, known for her work on films like “Rebel Moon” and “Mean Girls,” is recov­er­ing from crit­i­cal injuries sus­tained in the attack. Just days pri­or, She­horn had filed a restrain­ing order against Pasqual detail­ing a his­to­ry of abuse, includ­ing assault, forced entry, and strangulation.

Pasqual fled the scene after the stab­bing but was appre­hend­ed at the bor­der while attempt­ing to escape the coun­try. Los Ange­les Coun­ty Dis­trict Attor­ney George Gascón vowed to hold Pasqual account­able for this “heinous inci­dent” and the “egre­gious act” of domes­tic violence.

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