House of the Dragon Fans Outraged by Explicit Sex Scene in Latest Episode

House of the Dragon Fans Outraged by Explicit Sex Scene in Latest Episode
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TV view­ers were left hor­ri­fied after an extreme­ly graph­ic sex scene appeared in the lat­est episode of HBO’s Game of Thrones spin­off, House of the Dragon. 

The eye-pop­ping inci­dent took place as King Aegon II Tar­garyen, played by Tom Glynn-Car­ney, brought a group of sol­diers to a broth­el after an alco­hol-fueled evening.

In the scene, Aegon pulled back cur­tains to expose var­i­ous sex acts being per­formed, includ­ing one that left view­ers par­tic­u­lar­ly shocked and dis­turbed. Fol­low­ing the episode, fans flood­ed social media to express their hor­ror at wit­ness­ing what they described as the “weird­est blow job they have ever seen.”

While Game of Thrones and House of the Drag­on are no strangers to explic­it con­tent, even this was con­sid­ered too much by many fans. The lat­est sea­son of the show has been scaled back to just eight episodes, down from 10 in the first season.

The con­tro­ver­sial scene occurred halfway through the episode and appears to have been includ­ed for shock val­ue rather than serv­ing an inte­gral pur­pose in the sto­ry­line. Fans were quick to crit­i­cize the deci­sion, argu­ing that the show could be good with­out the need for such gra­tu­itous imagery.

The lat­est episode’s rat­ings suf­fered a 22% drop com­pared to the sea­son two pre­miere, with 7.8 mil­lion view­ers tun­ing in across all plat­forms. The decrease in view­er­ship has been attrib­uted in part to the lin­ear view­ing audi­ence, which was one mil­lion few­er than the series premiere.

Despite the back­lash, House of the Drag­on con­tin­ues to gen­er­ate sig­nif­i­cant buzz and dis­cus­sion among fans, who are eager­ly antic­i­pat­ing the fur­ther devel­op­ments in the Tar­garyen dynasty.

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