Jenna Ortega Breaks silence on Controversial Age Gap Sex Scene with Martin Freeman

Jenna Ortega Breaks silence on Controversial Age Gap Sex Scene with Martin Freeman
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Jen­na Orte­ga Breaks Silence on Con­tro­ver­sial Sex Scene
Jen­na Orte­ga, the 21-year-old actress, has addressed the fierce back­lash she received for par­tic­i­pat­ing in an X‑rated age gap sex scene with her 52-year-old co-star Mar­tin Free­man in the film “Miller’s Girl”.

Breaking Down the Backlash

When the film pre­miered in Jan­u­ary, many view­ers were left extreme­ly “uncom­fort­able” due to the raunchy scene that showed Mar­tin and Jen­na get­ting inti­mate with one another.

Social media users brand­ed the moment as “gross” and “trou­bling” due to the sig­nif­i­cant age dif­fer­ence between the two actors.

Defending the Artistic Vision

In a new inter­view with Van­i­ty Fair, Jen­na explained that the film was not “sup­posed to be com­fort­able” and that “art isn’t always meant to be pleas­ant or happy”. 

She empha­sized that “every­one skips off into the sun­set at the end. We all have f**ked-up expe­ri­ences at one point or another.”

Mar­tin Free­man also pre­vi­ous­ly defend­ed the con­tro­ver­sial scene, stat­ing that the movie was meant to be “grown-up and nuanced” and not a sim­ple endorse­ment of an age-gap romance.

Ensuring Consent and Safety

Kristi­na Arjona, the inti­ma­cy coor­di­na­tor on the film, revealed that Jen­na was “total­ly ‘com­fort­able and sure’ ” about film­ing the explic­it scenes. 

Arjona stressed the impor­tance of con­tin­u­ous­ly check­ing in with the actors and ensur­ing that their bound­aries were nev­er sur­passed, espe­cial­ly giv­en the sig­nif­i­cant age dif­fer­ence between Jen­na and Martin.

Addressing Wednesday Controversy

In the same inter­view, Jen­na also respond­ed to crit­i­cism over com­ments she made regard­ing rewrites she made on her hit show “Wednes­day”.

The actress admit­ted that she could have “used her words bet­ter” in describ­ing her involve­ment in the cre­ative process, stat­ing that she “prob­a­bly could have been more diplomatic.”

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