Jennifer Lopez and Ben Affleck’s Relationship in Turmoil as She Removes Wedding Ring
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Relationship Troubles for Jennifer Lopez and Ben Affleck

Jen­nifer Lopez has tak­en a sig­nif­i­cant step amid the ongo­ing spec­u­la­tion about the state of her mar­riage to Ben Affleck.

The 55-year-old singer was spot­ted with­out her wed­ding ring as she toured a $68 mil­lion man­sion in Bev­er­ly Hills, accom­pa­nied by her child Emme.

Divorce Rumors and Ring Removal

The removal of Lopez’s wed­ding ring comes as reports sug­gest that she and Affleck, 51, are “no longer on speak­ing terms” and are prepar­ing to file for divorce.

The cou­ple, who pre­vi­ous­ly dat­ed from 2002 to 2004, have been the sub­ject of divorce rumors for months, with Dai­ly­Mail exclu­sive­ly reveal­ing that their divorce doc­u­ments have been final­ized, but not yet submitted.

Affleck’s Lavish Purchase and Lopez’s Reaction

The reports of the cou­ple’s trou­bles inten­si­fied after Affleck splashed out $20.5 mil­lion on a new “bach­e­lor pad” man­sion in the Pacif­ic Pal­isades on July 24, which was also Lopez’s birthday. 

Accord­ing to her friends, this pur­chase left her “furi­ous” and felt like a “stab to the heart.”

Cutting Ties and Lack of Communication

As the news about their rela­tion­ship con­tin­ues to make head­lines, the cou­ple has seem­ing­ly cut all ties to one another.

Accord­ing to TMZ, Lopez and Affleck have stopped talk­ing alto­geth­er, mak­ing it even more dif­fi­cult for them to reach an agree­ment on their separation.

Uncertain Future and Joint Statement

The reports sug­gest that while the cou­ple has final­ized their divorce papers, they are wait­ing for the right time to drop them. 

When they do, they plan to release a joint state­ment express­ing their love for each oth­er and their efforts to make the rela­tion­ship work, but ulti­mate­ly acknowl­edg­ing that they could not come to a compromise.

The removal of Jen­nifer Lopez’s wed­ding ring and the cou­ple’s appar­ent lack of com­mu­ni­ca­tion are clear signs that their once-renowned rela­tion­ship is fac­ing its most sig­nif­i­cant chal­lenge yet.

As the pub­lic waits for the offi­cial announce­ment of their divorce, the future of this high-pro­file union remains uncertain.

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  1. Jennifer Lopez Files For Divorce From Ben Affleck On Second Wedding Anniversary - Scandalsmag

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