Legendary Actor Bill Cobbs Passes Away at 90

Legendary Actor Bill Cobbs Passes Away at 90
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Bill Cobbs, a revered fig­ure in the enter­tain­ment indus­try, passed away peace­ful­ly on June 25, 2024, at his Cal­i­for­nia home. He was 90 years old. Cobbs’ illus­tri­ous career spanned over five decades, leav­ing an indeli­ble mark on audi­ences worldwide.

The ver­sa­tile actor boast­ed an impres­sive fil­mog­ra­phy with over 100 cred­its in film and tele­vi­sion. Movie­go­ers will fond­ly remem­ber him for roles like Devaney in “The Body­guard” (1992) along­side Kevin Cost­ner and Whit­ney Houston. 

He also graced the screens in the beloved “Night at the Muse­um” fran­chise, the heart­warm­ing “Air Bud,” and the fan­tas­ti­cal “Oz the Great and Pow­er­ful” (2013).

Cobbs’ tal­ent extend­ed beyond act­ing. He notably direct­ed the acclaimed play “The Meet­ing,” explor­ing the com­plex rela­tion­ship between Mar­tin Luther King Jr. and Mal­colm X. Fel­low actor Bechir Syl­vain paid trib­ute, call­ing Cobbs a “sec­ond father” who offered invalu­able guidance.

The pass­ing of Bill Cobbs leaves a void in the enter­tain­ment world. His remark­able tal­ent, ded­i­ca­tion, and unwa­ver­ing com­mit­ment to his craft will con­tin­ue to inspire future generations.

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