Leonardo DiCaprio’s Girlfriend Goes Topless on Yacht Near Cannes

Leonardo DiCaprio's Girlfriend Goes Topless on Yacht Near Cannes
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Relationship Revealed

Leonar­do DiCaprio’s super­mod­el girl­friend Vit­to­ria Ceretti, 26, shed her biki­ni top as the cou­ple frol­icked on a lux­u­ri­ous yacht off the South of France this week. 

The 49-year-old Titan­ic star and his younger flame have been spend­ing the sum­mer cruis­ing the Mediter­ranean, with their lat­est sight­ing near the glam­orous city of Cannes.

Vittoria Ceretti laying on Cannes sun in a yacht

Intimate Moments

Vit­to­ria indulged in some sun­bathing on the yacht’s deck, remov­ing her bare­ly-there swim­suit top to work on her tan. Mean­while, Leo was spot­ted enjoy­ing a dip in the ocean before return­ing to the ves­sel, where a crew mem­ber was wait­ing with a towel.

Vittoria Ceretti holding her breasts on a yatch

The cou­ple’s out­ing also includ­ed anoth­er biki­ni-clad woman, though Leo appeared more focused on his phone than the sun­bathing beauties.

Relationship History

Vit­to­ria and Leo were first linked in the sum­mer of 2023, short­ly after her 25th birth­day. The pair are said to have met at the Cannes Film Fes­ti­val, where Leo’s new Mar­tin Scors­ese movie Killers of the Flower Moon was premiering.

Their rela­tion­ship has weath­ered a few ups and downs, includ­ing rumors of an engage­ment in March 2024 that were ulti­mate­ly debunked.

Healthy Habits

Vit­to­ria has spo­ken open­ly about the habits that keep her in peak phys­i­cal con­di­tion, cred­it­ing a diet of fruit, yogurt, cere­al, and veg­eta­bles, as well as reg­u­lar exer­cise like run­ning and yoga. The Ital­ian super­mod­el has risen to fame, walk­ing over 400 fash­ion shows and grac­ing the cov­ers of var­i­ous inter­na­tion­al Vogue editions.

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