Matthew Perry’s Haunting Final Words Before Deadly Ketamine Overdose

Matthew Perry's Haunting Final Words Before Deadly Ketamine Overdose
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The Haunting Last Words

The haunt­ing last words that Matthew Per­ry uttered to his assis­tant Ken­neth Iwa­masa before ingest­ing a fatal dose of ket­a­mine have been revealed.

Per­ry told Iwa­masa to “shoot me up with a big one,” short­ly before he was found face down in the hot tub of his $5.2 mil­lion Los Ange­les man­sion, accord­ing to new­ly released documents.

Betrayed by Those Supposed to Protect Him

The doc­u­ments also revealed that Per­ry had been found uncon­scious at his home twice before his death on Octo­ber 28, 2023.

Pros­e­cu­tors allege that Iwa­masa, along with four oth­ers, ruth­less­ly exploit­ed the ‘Friends’ star’s strug­gles with drug addic­tion for their own profit.

“The defen­dants in this case knew what they were doing was wrong,” said Mar­tin Estra­da, U.S. attor­ney for the Cen­tral Dis­trict of California.

“They knew what they were doing was risk­ing great dan­ger to Mr. Per­ry, but they did it any­way. In the end, these defen­dants were more inter­est­ed in prof­it­ing off Mr. Per­ry than car­ing for his well-being.”

A Troubling Timeline of Perry’s Final Month

Accord­ing to the time­line in Iwa­masa’s plea agree­ment, Per­ry had request­ed that his assis­tant start procur­ing ille­gal drugs for him in late Sep­tem­ber 2023.

Iwa­masa alleged­ly obtained the ket­a­mine he gave to Per­ry from two oth­er sus­pects, Dr. Mark Chavez and Jasveen Sang­ha, who’s been described as the “Ket­a­mine Queen” of North Hollywood.

The assis­tant hand­ed over at least $55,000 of Per­ry’s mon­ey to pur­chase liq­uid ket­a­mine and ket­a­mine lozenges, author­i­ties said. 

Iwa­masa inject­ed Per­ry with the lethal dose of ket­a­mine on Octo­ber 28, the day the actor was found unre­spon­sive in the hot tub and lat­er declared dead.

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