“Beloved New Orleans Comedian Mutzie Forestier Passes Away Unexpectedly from Heart-Related Issue”

"Beloved New Orleans Comedian Mutzie Forestier Passes Away Unexpectedly from Heart-Related Issue"
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Tragic Passing of a Comedy Icon

A famous New Orleans come­di­an, Mutzie Daniel Foresti­er, has died of a sud­den heart-relat­ed issue. Foresti­er, known for his Chris­t­ian com­e­dy rou­tines, passed away last week­end after suf­fer­ing a med­ical emergency.

Tribute from His Son

Forestier’s son, New­man, post­ed on the come­di­an’s Face­book page to share the heart­break­ing news, say­ing the fam­i­ly is “heart­bro­ken, but we know he’s at peace now.” New­man described his father as a “deeply spir­i­tu­al man” who car­ried his faith with him at all times.

Forestier’s Charitable Work

In addi­tion to his com­e­dy career, Mutzie was known for his exten­sive char­i­ty work. While per­form­ing on Car­ni­val Cruise ships, he start­ed a pro­gram to donate food and gifts to under­priv­i­leged chil­dren in Pro­gre­so, Mex­i­co. He also reg­u­lar­ly donat­ed the pro­ceeds from his CD and DVD sales to those in need.

Legacy and Impact

Foresti­er was a two-time New Orleans Enter­tain­er of the Year and was recent­ly named the Chris­t­ian Come­di­an of the Year. His son not­ed that despite his char­i­ta­ble spir­it, Foresti­er did not have life insur­ance, prompt­ing the fam­i­ly to start a fundrais­er to cov­er his funer­al expenses.

Remembering a True Giver

New­man described his father as a “true giv­er” whose “gen­eros­i­ty knew no bounds.” Mutzie’s faith and desire to spread joy through his com­e­dy and acts of kind­ness have left a last­ing impact on his com­mu­ni­ty and all those he encountered.

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