Remembering Ángel Salazar: The Legendary “Scarface” Actor Dies at 68

Remembering Ángel Salazar: The Legendary "Scarface" Actor Dies at 68
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Ángel Salazar’s Passing

Actor Ángel Salazar, best known for his role as Chi Chi in the hit 1983 film “Scar­face,” has died at the age of 68. 

Salazar’s rep­re­sen­ta­tive, Ann Wing­song, con­firmed that the actor “passed away in his sleep” at his friend’s home in Brook­lyn over the weekend.

Salazar’s Iconic “Scarface” Role

Salazar’s break­out role came in “Scar­face,” where he played the side­kick to Al Paci­no’s icon­ic Tony Mon­tana character. 

The ganger block­buster, which also starred Michelle Pfeif­fer and Steven Bauer, became an instant cult clas­sic and earned Paci­no a Gold­en Globe nom­i­na­tion for best actor.

Versatile Acting Career

In addi­tion to “Scar­face,” Salazar appeared in sev­er­al oth­er films through­out his career, includ­ing “Where the Buf­fa­lo Roam,” “A Stranger is Watch­ing,” “The Wild Life,” “Sylvester,” “Punch­line,” and “Car­l­i­to’s Way.” 

He also had roles in var­i­ous TV shows, such as “On Our Own,” “The New $treetz Seriez,” “Jer­sey Mafia Chron­i­cles,” and “In Liv­ing Color.”

Salazar’s Legacy and Tribute

News of Salazar’s pass­ing has prompt­ed an out­pour­ing of trib­utes from his friends and fel­low comedians.

Many have praised his icon­ic per­for­mances, his comedic tal­ents, and his last­ing impact on the enter­tain­ment industry.

Salazar’s lega­cy as a beloved and respect­ed actor will con­tin­ue to be cel­e­brat­ed by his fans and colleagues.

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