Renowned Comedian Perry Kurtz Killed in Hit-and-Run Accident

Renowned Comedian Perry Kurtz Killed in Hit-and-Run Accident
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The Untimely Passing of a Comedy Icon

Come­di­an Per­ry Kurtz has been killed in a trag­ic hit-and-run acci­dent in Los Ange­les, California. 

The 73-year-old per­former was cross­ing an inter­sec­tion in the Tarzana neigh­bor­hood around 11:30 p.m. on Thurs­day when he was struck by a vehi­cle dri­ven by an 18-year-old male, who fled the scene.

The Shocking Incident and Police Investigation

Accord­ing to the Los Ange­les Police Depart­ment, Kurtz was pro­nounced dead by first respon­ders from the Los Ange­les Fire Depart­ment as soon as they arrived at the scene. 

The LAPD has since arrest­ed and booked the alleged hit-and-run dri­ver, who now faces a charge of sus­pi­cion of felony hit-and-run caus­ing death.

Kurtz’s Legacy and the Grief of His Loved Ones

Kurtz was known for his Sea­son 8 audi­tion on “Amer­i­ca’s Got Tal­ent,” where he rapped about the judges, receiv­ing three nos. 

The come­di­an had been active­ly per­form­ing in the Los Ange­les com­e­dy com­mu­ni­ty for decades, and his pass­ing has left a pro­found impact on his fam­i­ly, friends, and fans.

His agent, Dante Rus­ci­olel­li, expressed deep dev­as­ta­tion at the news, describ­ing Kurtz as not only a client but also a life­long friend.

Honoring the Memory of a Beloved Comedian

As the enter­tain­ment world mourns the loss of Per­ry Kurtz, his lega­cy as a skilled and beloved come­di­an will con­tin­ue to inspire and be remem­bered by those whose lives he touched.

The tragedy of his untime­ly pass­ing serves as a sober­ing reminder of the fragili­ty of life and the impor­tance of jus­tice being served in such sense­less acts of violence.

Ongoing Investigation and Calls for Justice

The LAPD’s inves­ti­ga­tion into the hit-and-run inci­dent that claimed Kurtz’s life is ongo­ing, and the com­mu­ni­ty eager­ly awaits the out­come as they seek clo­sure and jus­tice for the beloved comedian. 

His daugh­ter, Zel­da Velazquez, has shared her grief on social media, under­scor­ing the pro­found impact his loss has had on his loved ones.

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