Breakdown of the Coupleâs Marriage
AccordÂing to court docÂuÂments, Michael MadÂsen, 66, has filed for divorce from his wife DeAnÂna, citÂing irrecÂonÂcilÂable difÂferÂences as the reaÂson for the split.
The couÂple had been marÂried since 1996 but sepÂaÂratÂed shortÂly after the death of their 26-year-old son HudÂson in 2022.
Allegations of Abuse and Neglect
In the filÂing, MadÂsen has accused his estranged wife of driÂving their son to die by suiÂcide âby her neglect, drinkÂing and alcoholism.â
He has also requestÂed a domesÂtic vioÂlence restrainÂing order against DeAnÂna and denied her own alleÂgaÂtions of abuse against him.
Tragic Loss of Their Son
The MadÂsensâ son HudÂson died by suiÂcide in JanÂuÂary 2022, a tragedy that appears to have been a breakÂing point in their marriage.
MadÂsenâs lawyer statÂed that the actor is now lookÂing forÂward to spendÂing more time with his othÂer chilÂdren and purÂsuÂing his actÂing and writÂing career.
Ongoing Legal Battle
The divorce proÂceedÂings are ongoÂing, with MadÂsen allegÂing that the âirrecÂonÂcilÂable difÂferÂencesâ listÂed do not fulÂly capÂture the comÂplexÂiÂty of the sitÂuÂaÂtion. DeAnÂna was preÂviÂousÂly arrestÂed for a domesÂtic vioÂlence inciÂdent at the couÂpleâs MalÂibu home last month, though the invesÂtiÂgaÂtion is still ongoing.
Support for Those in Need
If you or anyÂone you know is strugÂgling with suiÂciÂdal thoughts or a menÂtal health criÂsis, there are resources available.
In New York City, you can call 1â888-NYC-WELL for free and conÂfiÂdenÂtial criÂsis counÂselÂing. The nationÂal 988 SuiÂcide & CriÂsis LifeÂline is also availÂable 24/7.
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