Sofia Vergara Poses Nude to Launch Coffee Brand Supporting Female Growers in Colombia

Sofia Vergara Poses Nude to Launch Coffee Brand Supporting Female Growers in Colombia
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Sofia Ver­gara has posed nude with cof­fee beans on her chest to announce the launch of her own Colom­bian cof­fee brand, ¡DIOS MÍO! COFFEE. The brand aims to cel­e­brate and pay trib­ute to Lati­na women and female cof­fee grow­ers in Ver­gara’s native Colombia.

The “Mod­ern Fam­i­ly” star is “hon­ored” to high­light the strength and lega­cy of the women behind the cof­fee indus­try in Colombia. 

The brand part­nered with the Fed­eración Nacional de Cafeteros (The Nation­al Fed­er­a­tion of Cof­fee Grow­ers — FNC), the most impor­tant cof­fee insti­tu­tion in the coun­try, to pro­duce authen­tic Colom­bian cof­fee beans of the high­est quality.

“¡DÍOS MIO! COFFEE comes from my love of Colom­bian cof­fee and my high stan­dards when it comes to the qual­i­ty of my cof­fee,” said Ver­gara, the brand’s Co-Founder. “We have spent the last few years cre­at­ing these blends with an amaz­ing team of female cof­fee grow­ers behind us.”

The brand launch­es with three pre­mi­um blends — Sweet­ness (Light Roast), Bal­ance (Medi­um Roast), and Strength (Dark Roast) — that will be avail­able on and at DIOS retail locations. 

Each blend pays trib­ute to the qual­i­ties and char­ac­ter­is­tics of Colom­bian women, from the warmth of a grand­moth­er’s hug to the resilience and ener­gy of the female cof­fee farmers.

“¡DIOS MIO! COFFEE by Sofía Ver­gara is more than just cof­fee, it’s a trib­ute from Lati­na women to the world. Giv­ing ‘The Best of Colom­bia in Every Sip,’ the brand uses the high­est qual­i­ty Colom­bian cof­fee beans and is avail­able in three pre­mi­um blends, Light, Medi­um, and Dark,” the com­pa­ny shared.

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