Spill the Tea, Rebel! Actress Hints at Royal Orgy Invite

Spill the Tea, Rebel! Actress Hints at Royal Orgy Invite
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Hold up, folks! Rebel Wil­son’s new mem­oir, “Rebel Ris­ing,” is serv­ing major dra­ma. The actress claims a British roy­al dude (think way down the line of suc­ces­sion, like 15th or 20th in line) invit­ed her to a wild par­ty in 2014. 

We don’t get the roy­al’s name (rude!), but get this: the par­ty had acro­bats, a fire pit, and mer­maids in the pool! ‍♀️

Things get even cra­zier. Wil­son alleges there were drugs every­where, and some­one even offered “can­dy” that turned out to be MDMA (think ecsta­sy). Sounds like this par­ty was next lev­el… This isn’t the first time Rebel’s book is caus­ing a stir. 

She orig­i­nal­ly dished on British come­di­an Sacha Baron Cohen, but those parts got mys­te­ri­ous­ly nixed in the UK ver­sion. Now, with a book tour kick­ing off in the UK, tick­et prices are drop­ping faster than you can say “roy­al scan­dal.” Is this the end of the Rebel Wil­son book tour? 

We’ll have to wait and see! But one thing’s for sure: this tell-all is spilling some seri­ous tea. ☕️

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