Sydney Sweeney Heats Up Instagram with Cheeky Wetsuit Snaps

Sydney Sweeney Heats Up Instagram with Cheeky Wetsuit Snaps
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Cheeky Wetsuit Photoshoot 

Syd­ney Sweeney, the 26-year-old star of the hit series Eupho­ria, has treat­ed her Insta­gram fol­low­ers to a series of steamy “thirst trap” pho­tos. In the snap­shots, Sweeney is seen pos­ing in a plung­ing thong wet­suit, show­cas­ing her toned physique and pert pos­te­ri­or dur­ing a scenic break.

The actress, who is engaged to Jonathan Davi­no, exud­ed con­fi­dence as she flaunt­ed her nat­ur­al beau­ty, going make­up-free and let­ting her tou­sled waves frame her face. Sweeney cheek­i­ly cap­tioned the pho­tos, “i think they call this a thirst trap.”

Upcoming Projects and Timejump in Euphoria 

After enjoy­ing a relax­ing vaca­tion in the Greek Isles and Paris, Sweeney is gear­ing up for a busy schedule. 

She has sev­er­al projects lined up, includ­ing the film Eden, direct­ed by Ron Howard and co-star­ring Ana de Armas, Jude Law, and Vanes­sa Kir­by. The action-adven­ture film is set to debut at the Toron­to Inter­na­tion­al Film Fes­ti­val in September.

Addi­tion­al­ly, Sweeney has revealed that she’ll be return­ing to the set for the high­ly antic­i­pat­ed third sea­son of Eupho­ria in 2025. The actress shared that there will be a time jump in the series, allow­ing for a new chap­ter in her char­ac­ter Cassie’s life.

“We did have a long time between sea­son one and sea­son two, but espe­cial­ly now with the time jump, it’s a new process for me,” Sweeney told Cosmopolitan.

“I’m kind of just learn­ing as I go and being open for what­ev­er’s to come. But I’m also real­ly excit­ed. I love Cassie, she is always such a thrilling char­ac­ter to play, so I’m real­ly look­ing for­ward to what’s gonna hap­pen in her life.”

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