Teenager Shiloh Jolie Legally Drops Father’s Surname Amidst Ongoing Parental Conflict

Teenager Shiloh Jolie Legally Drops Father's Surname Amidst Ongoing Parental Conflict
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Eigh­teen-year-old Shiloh Jolie, daugh­ter of actors Angeli­na Jolie and Brad Pitt, has offi­cial­ly removed “Pitt” from her legal name. Sources con­firm Shiloh inde­pen­dent­ly ini­ti­at­ed and financed this deci­sion through her own lawyer.

This action sheds light on the ongo­ing ten­sions between Shilo­h’s par­ents. The high­ly pub­li­cized 2016 inci­dent where Jolie accused Pitt of phys­i­cal abuse report­ed­ly strained their rela­tion­ship. Although cleared by author­i­ties, the impact on the fam­i­ly appears lasting.

Reports sug­gest a sim­i­lar dis­tance between Shilo­h’s sib­lings and their father, with some express­ing a clos­er bond with Jolie. The arti­cle describes the sib­lings as a uni­fied group.

Despite Brad Pit­t’s attempts to mend the rela­tion­ship, includ­ing build­ing ameni­ties tai­lored to Shilo­h’s inter­ests, a sig­nif­i­cant rift per­sists. The arti­cle men­tions the con­cept of “parental alien­ation” in the con­text of the ongo­ing estrangement.

As Shiloh embarks on a path inde­pen­dent of the “Pitt” name, the pub­lic is left to won­der about the long-term effects of this celebri­ty fam­i­ly’s well-doc­u­ment­ed struggles.

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