Tyrese GibÂson, the actor and singer known for his roles in Tyrese GibÂson movies such as Fast and FuriÂous, TransÂformÂers, and Baby Boy, has filed a lawÂsuit against Home Depot for $1 milÂlion in damÂages. He claims he was racialÂly proÂfiled by a cashier at a San FerÂnanÂdo ValÂley store in February.
The lawÂsuit is based on a video that shows GibÂson havÂing a heatÂed arguÂment with a cashier who refused to accept his credÂit card for a purÂchase made by his team memÂbers. GibÂson had left the store earÂliÂer because he was recÂogÂnized by othÂer cusÂtomers who wantÂed to talk to him about Tyrese GibÂson movies.
The cashier demandÂed to see Gibsonâs phoÂto ID to verÂiÂfy the card, even though he offered to FaceÂTime her from his car outÂside. GibÂson was frusÂtratÂed and said he was a loyÂal cusÂtomer of Home Depot and even knew the CEO of the company.
GibÂson had to go back to the store himÂself to comÂplete the transÂacÂtion. He believes the cashier disÂcrimÂiÂnatÂed against him because of his race.
In his lawÂsuit, GibÂson asks for $1 milÂlion in damÂages, which he estiÂmates is how much he would spend at Home Depot in his lifeÂtime. He also wants addiÂtionÂal puniÂtive damages.
Home Depot said it does not tolÂerÂate disÂcrimÂiÂnaÂtion and that it valÂues diverÂsiÂty and respect. The comÂpaÂny said it tried to conÂtact GibÂson to resolve his issues.
The lawÂsuit is still pendÂing. Gibsonâs lawyers will have to prove that the cashier vioÂlatÂed his rights and did not folÂlow the companyâs policy.
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