Veteran Actor Donald Sutherland Passes Away at 88

Veteran Actor Donald Sutherland Passes Away at 88
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Hol­ly­wood mourns the pass­ing of leg­endary actor Don­ald Suther­land, who passed away at 88 on Thurs­day. His son, Kiefer Suther­land, con­firmed the news.

A pro­lif­ic and respect­ed per­former, Suther­land’s career spanned decades. He deliv­ered unfor­get­table per­for­mances in films like the anti-war clas­sic MASH (1970) and the grip­ping dystopi­an fran­chise The Hunger Games (2012–2015). Kiefer Suther­land called his father “one of the most impor­tant actors in film history.”

Born in Cana­da, Suther­land rose to fame in the late 1960s with films like The Dirty Dozen (1967). His defin­ing role arrived in 1970’s MASH, where he played the icon­ic Hawk­eye Pierce, a charis­mat­ic sur­geon. The film lat­er inspired a huge­ly suc­cess­ful tele­vi­sion series.

Decades lat­er, Suther­land gar­nered a new gen­er­a­tion of fans por­tray­ing the vil­lain­ous Pres­i­dent Snow in The Hunger Games along­side Jen­nifer Lawrence and Liam Hemsworth.

Despite nev­er receiv­ing a com­pet­i­tive Oscar, Suther­land’s con­tri­bu­tions were rec­og­nized with an Hon­orary Acad­e­my Award in 2017. His pass­ing comes after a long ill­ness, accord­ing to tal­ent agency CAA.

Suther­land is sur­vived by his wife Francine Racette (mar­ried 1972) and five chil­dren, includ­ing actor Kiefer Suther­land. The indus­try icon leaves an unde­ni­able mark on cin­e­ma and will be deeply missed by fans and col­leagues worldwide.

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