HolÂlyÂwood mourns the passÂing of legÂendary actor DonÂald SutherÂland, who passed away at 88 on ThursÂday. His son, Kiefer SutherÂland, conÂfirmed the news.
A proÂlifÂic and respectÂed perÂformer, SutherÂlandâs career spanned decades. He delivÂered unforÂgetÂtable perÂforÂmances in films like the anti-war clasÂsic MASH (1970) and the gripÂping dystopiÂan franÂchise The Hunger Games (2012â2015). Kiefer SutherÂland called his father âone of the most imporÂtant actors in film history.â
Born in CanaÂda, SutherÂland rose to fame in the late 1960s with films like The Dirty Dozen (1967). His definÂing role arrived in 1970âs MASH, where he played the iconÂic HawkÂeye Pierce, a charisÂmatÂic surÂgeon. The film latÂer inspired a hugeÂly sucÂcessÂful teleÂviÂsion series.
Decades latÂer, SutherÂland garÂnered a new genÂerÂaÂtion of fans porÂtrayÂing the vilÂlainÂous PresÂiÂdent Snow in The Hunger Games alongÂside JenÂnifer Lawrence and Liam Hemsworth.
Despite nevÂer receivÂing a comÂpetÂiÂtive Oscar, SutherÂlandâs conÂtriÂbuÂtions were recÂogÂnized with an HonÂorary AcadÂeÂmy Award in 2017. His passÂing comes after a long illÂness, accordÂing to talÂent agency CAA.
SutherÂland is surÂvived by his wife Francine Racette (marÂried 1972) and five chilÂdren, includÂing actor Kiefer SutherÂland. The indusÂtry icon leaves an undeÂniÂable mark on cinÂeÂma and will be deeply missed by fans and colÂleagues worldwide.
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