Youthful Brad Pitt Sparks Facelift Rumors After Red Carpet Debut with Girlfriend Ines de Ramon

Youthful Brad Pitt Sparks Facelift Rumors After Red Carpet Debut with Girlfriend Ines de Ramon
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Brad Pitt, the acclaimed Hol­ly­wood actor, has been the sub­ject of intense spec­u­la­tion after he appeared at the Venice Film Fes­ti­val look­ing incred­i­bly youth­ful, spark­ing rumors that he may have under­gone a facelift.

Defying His Age

At 60 years old, Pitt has been turn­ing heads with his seem­ing­ly age­less appear­ance, lead­ing many to won­der if he has had some cos­met­ic work done. 

The actor’s dash­ing appear­ance at the pre­miere of his new film, Wolfs, with his girl­friend, Ines de Ramon, 34, has only fueled these rumors further.

Red Carpet Debut

Pitt and de Ramon made their red car­pet debut as a cou­ple at the Venice Film Fes­ti­val, mark­ing a sig­nif­i­cant mile­stone in their relationship. 

The actor looked effort­less­ly styl­ish in a dark navy suit, his mousy brown hair tou­sled and his face appear­ing remark­ably smooth and youth­ful, fur­ther stok­ing spec­u­la­tion about a pos­si­ble facelift.

Facelift Rumors

The rumors about Pit­t’s poten­tial facelift first began cir­cu­lat­ing last year, after he was spot­ted at Wim­ble­don look­ing sig­nif­i­cant­ly dif­fer­ent from his pre­vi­ous appearances. 

At the time, a plas­tic surgery expert ana­lyzed the actor’s fea­tures and sug­gest­ed that he may have indeed under­gone the procedure.

Pitt’s Take on Aging

Brad Pitt has been open about his stance on aging in the enter­tain­ment indus­try, admit­ting in a 2019 inter­view that “it’s a younger man’s game.” He also revealed that he had quit smok­ing, which he cred­it­ed with con­tribut­ing to his cur­rent appearance.

A New Chapter

As Pitt and de Ramon make their pub­lic debut as a cou­ple, the actor appears to be embrac­ing a new chap­ter in his life, leav­ing behind the bit­ter divorce bat­tle with his ex-wife, Angeli­na Jolie. 

The Venice Film Fes­ti­val appear­ance marks a sig­nif­i­cant mile­stone for the cou­ple, as they con­tin­ue to nav­i­gate the spot­light together.

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