British Thief Caught Red-Handed Stealing Thousands of Cadbury Cream Easter Eggs

A man who pros­e­cu­tors say broke into a British indus­tri­al estate and stole near­ly 200,000 choco­late East­er eggs has plead­ed guilty to theft and crim­i­nal damage.

Joby Poole, 32, broke through the gates of an indus­tri­al estate in Telford, cen­tral Eng­land, with a met­al crush­er and used a stolen semi-trail­er to extract more than $38,000 worth of Cad­bury East­er eggs and oth­er choco­lates. He took away a trail­er loaded with products.

West Mer­cia Police tweet­ed on Mon­day that short­ly after the rob­bery, offi­cers stopped a vehi­cle “alleged­ly pre­tend­ing to be an East­er Bun­ny” on a high­way and arrest­ed a man on sus­pi­cion of the theft.

Accord­ing to pros­e­cu­tor Owen Beale, when Poole real­ized he was being pur­sued by police, he turned him­self in.

Poole “walked towards the police with his hands up. He was arrest­ed and his lug­gage was recov­ered,” Beale said.

He added that Poole planned the rob­bery and had a crim­i­nal record for han­dling stolen goods.

Poole plead­ed guilty to theft of the trail­er, theft of its con­tents, and crim­i­nal dam­age to the chain lock. He is due to be sen­tenced next month.

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