BUSINESS: American Airlines buys 20 supersonic jets to transport passengers around the world in half an hour

American Airlines said Tuesday it has ordered 20 supersonic jets that can carry passengers at twice the speed of today's fastest commercial airliners

Amer­i­can Air­lines said Tues­day it has ordered 20 super­son­ic jets that can car­ry pas­sen­gers at twice the speed of today’s fastest com­mer­cial airliners.

Amer­i­can became the third major air­line to announce a super­son­ic order with Den­ver’s Boom Avi­a­tion, fol­low­ing Japan Air­lines in 2017 and Unit­ed Air­lines in 2021.

“We want to reach super­son­ic speed as soon as pos­si­ble,” Boom CEO Blake Scholl said. I think that it is “what the world needs”.

You can get from Mia­mi to Lon­don in less than 5 hours instead of 8 hours and 40 min­utes, and at the price of a first class ticket.

There have been sim­i­lar attempts before by air­lines to move to super­son­ic speeds.

The transat­lantic super­son­ic pas­sen­ger plane Con­corde last flew over the Atlantic at twice the speed of sound in 2003, but plans were dis­con­tin­ued after a fatal acci­dent in 2000.

The tick­et price was $12,000, bare­ly cov­ered by the British and French gov­ern­ments’ con­tri­bu­tions to the devel­op­ment costs.

Boom Avi­a­tion promis­es to offer trav­el­ers a bet­ter expe­ri­ence with the Over­ture, which is lighter, small­er, qui­eter and slight­ly slow­er than the Concorde.

“Each seat has a large win­dow, from which you can see views from 60,000 feet, the cur­va­ture of the earth and the deep­er blue sky,” Scholl said.

The air­line’s engines also claim to fly car­bon-free and use 100% sus­tain­able fuels to car­ry trav­el­ers from one coun­try to anoth­er with­out adding car­bon diox­ide to the earth­’s atmos­phere. doing.

Boom plans to build a “super fac­to­ry” in North Carolina.

“I think we will even­tu­al­ly need hun­dreds of Over­ture air­craft to car­ry tens of mil­lions of pas­sen­gers around the world who can ben­e­fit from super­son­ic speed,” says Scholl.

The Over­ture air­craft is expect­ed to begin fly­ing in 2025 and car­ry pas­sen­gers by 2029, accord­ing to an Amer­i­can Air­lines press release.

Amer­i­can Air­lines said in a release that the deal with Boom gives it the option to acquire an addi­tion­al 40 aircraft.

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