CINEMA: Doctor Strange 2 could feature a new Wolverine in place of Hugh Jackman.

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The rumours sur­round­ing who may or may not appear in Doc­tor Strange in the Mul­ti­verse of Mad­ness did not die down with the arrival of the new trail­er dur­ing the Super Bowl.

 Instead, the num­ber of peo­ple with ideas about who will show up has reached new lev­els thanks to sug­gest­ed appear­ances by Pro­fes­sor X, Supe­ri­or Iron Man and Mr Fan­tas­tic, as well as a new poster that has been exces­sive­ly dis­sect­ed by fans look­ing for every avail­able clue. Now, a new sug­ges­tion from The Illu­min­erdi’s Joseph Deck­elmeier indi­cates that we could be about to see the intro­duc­tion of a new ver­sion of Wolver­ine in the film.

For many peo­ple, the only Wolver­ine is Hugh Jack­man, but hav­ing played the char­ac­ter for what seemed like the last time in Logan, it’s almost cer­tain that every­one’s Wolver­ine won’t be back for the Doc­tor Strange sequel, despite the mul­ti­verse allow­ing it.

Instead, it looks like we’ll see Patrick Stew­art reprise his role as Charles Xavier aka Pro­fes­sor X, although the icon­ic actor has cho­sen to fol­low Andrew Garfield­’s lead by deny­ing his involve­ment. In recent inter­views he has even gone so far as to say that he has spent many years lis­ten­ing to peo­ple pre­tend to be him and hint­ed that it could be a fake voiceover, but so far no one is real­ly buy­ing it.

Deck­elmeier’s tweet stat­ed, “We’ll see Wolver­ine in [Doc­tor Strange In The Mul­ti­verse of Mad­ness] but it cer­tain­ly won’t be Hugh Jackman.”

 This has obvi­ous­ly sparked a host of spec­u­la­tive the­o­ries about who will play the role, with the lead being Daniel Rad­cliffe, and whether we’ll see who will actu­al­ly take on the role per­ma­nent­ly as the X‑Men are ful­ly intro­duced into the MCU. in the future. Of course, at the moment, any Wolver­ine appear­ance, like so many oth­ers, is uncon­firmed and will cer­tain­ly remain so until the film’s release in May.

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